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ComputeService class


export declare class ComputeService 


Constructor Modifiers Description
(constructor)(httpRequest)   Constructs a new instance of the ComputeService class


Property Modifiers Type Description
httpRequest readonly BaseHttpRequest  


Method Modifiers Description
cancelJob(machine, jobid)   <p>Cancel Job Cancel a scheduled job</p><p>- **machine**: the NERSC compute resource - **jobid**: the id of the job</p>
getJob(machine, jobid, sacct)   <p>Read Job Get information about a job running on NERSC compute resources.</p><p>- **machine**: the NERSC compute resource - **jobid**: the id of the job - **sacct**: (optional) if true, use sacct otherwise squeue to get the job info</p>
getJobs(machine, index, limit, sacct, kwargs)   <p>Read Jobs Get information about jobs running on NERSC compute resources.</p><p>- **machine**: the NERSC compute resource - **index**: the index of the first job info to retrieve - **limit**: (optional) how many job infos to retrieve - **sacct**: (optional) if true, use sacct otherwise squeue to get the job info - **kwargs**: (optional) a list of key/value pairs (in the form of name=value) to filter job results by</p>
submitJob(machine, formData)   <p>Submit Job Submit a job to run on a NERSC compute resource.</p><p>- **machine**: the machine to run the job on. - **job**: either a path to the job script, or the job script itself - **isPath**: if true, the job parameter is a path</p><p>If successful this api will return a task_id which you can look up via the /tasks/task api. Once the job has been scheduled, the task body will contain the job id.</p>